Monday, September 15, 2008

Kids Cartoons

Anyone recognize this super scary villain? I do, I think from 5 to 6 I had approximately 100 or so nightmares involving this guy. I liked to be freaked out as a kid....What happened to great cartoons like He-man and the Masters of the Universe, Transformers, Thundercats, GI Joe or even The Smurfs? Most of the subject matter was down right terrifying (yes, even Gargamel and Azriel) but we LOVED it! These fun yet extremely violent cartoons got me up before 8 am on a Saturday and I LIKED it. I had all the play sets and the castles and and and...I think I had an imagination and I actually played outside! Who wants to get up early on a Saturday to watch Dora the Explorer or Jimmy Neutron? Boooorriinng! Maybe that is why kids are bringing guns to school and engaging in violent activities in real life. We have grown so accustom to shielding them from every day things..."no candy cigarettes", "no play pistols", no "violent cartoons", "keep all your feelings inside", "live in a box and play video games all day long"....that kids have no way to release any anger or curiosity that they have. Or, it could just be my need to watch Skeletor and Mumra reruns....


Coopercomics said...

I hear you totally!! I used to look forward to Saturday mornings. Eat my kid cereal and watch me some Jem..(she was truly outrageous). When I heard about the 24 hour cartoon network I flipped out! I was all "cartoons at night time?? What has the world come to?"

Also, I get strange yearnings for Bugs bunny cartoons...they never play those any more..those were the bomb diggity!

Malia said...

Hey P squared,
I wish my blog was a cute as yours, but I will get better in time. I have you as my inspiration. You are truly, the goddess of all useless knowledge and a constant reminder of all the things that are wonderful.

Love the pics of Kris and think that you two are an awesome couple. Oh and I especially love the babes (Fel and animals... I would have a million, but you already know that).

Absolutely craved He-Man and REALLY miss G.I. Joe, he totally hooked up with all my Barbies.

See you in A.M. and thanks for yelling at me to write blogger crap!!

SarahBeth said...

My 7 year old loves Heman and GIJoe and Thundercats...I let him order them from or Netflix (and the grandparents gave him a set of dvds for his birthday at one point). My favorite to run across is Tom & Jerry. That's a true classic right there.