Wednesday, September 24, 2008


This is Sherman. He is my first foster dog. I decided to volunteer with a non-profit shelter rescue group called Cold Wet Noses. He is a 5 month old Shepherd mix. Sherman was rescued from Pima Animal Control. He was going to be euthanized because he had pnueamonia. Cold Wet Noses rescued him, nursed him back to health and now he is ready to get some good manners, basic skills and socialization. That is where I come in. I will help him with leash training, teach him to sit, stay and cat-test and kid-test him. He is a super sweety! He was a little paranoid on the car but he was super happy when he met Katie and Moki. This is Moki, he is a rescue from Pima Animal Control too. He wasn't adopted and his time was up so he was to be euthanized for nothing. We have him now and aside from having an inexplicable taste for drywall, he is a great boy! My mother thinks I have lost my mind but she knows I mean well and if Kris and I can have two dogs, why not three? I think the hardest part will be spending time with Sherman and then giving him away. I am sure I will have the biggest smile on my face the day he gets his forever home though! If you know anyone who might be interested in cute little Shermie-boy please let me know. He is just a doll!

1 comment:

Coopercomics said...

sit ubu sit. good dog. ruff.